Affectionately known among their peers as FoxandRob, Sibil Fox and Robert Richardson are a popular New Orleans based couple who endured and survived 21-years as an incarcerated family and are the executive producers and host of A Conversation with FoxandRob, a game changing commentary on YouTube. In 1997 Rob Rich, a first offender in Louisiana, was sentenced to 61-years as a result of overzealous prosecution. Not to be denied, after her release from prison in 2002, Fox Rich led a valiant charge to regain her husband’s freedom.
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 In June 2018 Governor John Bel Edwards granted clemency to Rob, 90 days later he was released. FoxandRob has since committed to advocate for meaningful legislation that will give deserving offenders serving life without parole-parole consideration. Make no mistake about it, this power couple are using their mess-turn-message to bring greater awareness to the systemic issues of mass incarceration, while promoting civic engagement.
The founders of Rich Family Ministries, The Rich’s, have committed their lives and their resources to not only bringing greater awareness, but also providing sustainable solutions to family’s suffering from the hardships associated with crime and punishment.
The Rich family hit the ground running and has shared their testimony with audiences far and wide. The family’s message focuses on the two greatest challenges facing the black family since Jim Crow; mass incarceration and marital instability. Not only are they empowering others with their words, they are also allowing their experience to serve as a demonstration that love is possible for all who seek it.

Addtionally, this dynamic duo is the subject of the highly anticipated documentary, TIME, based on their two decade long journey to justice. FoxandRob are using their platform to speak truth to power and are leading voices in the movement to end mass incarceration. They are the proud parents of six sons.


FoxandRob is a formerly incarcerated couple who served more than 21-years before receiving clemency in 2018 as an incarcerated family and are the executive producers and host of A Conversation with FoxandRob, a game changing weekly commentary on YouTube. Empowered by their experiences, FoxandRob are leading the movements conversation on Love and Family Matters and allowing their example to serve as a true demonstration of  love reimagined.