Narrative change is a powerful catalyst for transforming lives and laws through the enduring force of love.

The TIME and TIME II documentaries featuring Sibil Fox and Robert Richardson illuminate this potential. The first film combines Fox’s video diaries with intimate moments from her current life, crafting a mesmerizing narrative of resilience and radical love against the backdrop of the nation’s prison-industrial complex. This portrayal highlights the personal toll and unwavering strength required to endure and challenge systemic injustices.

In the second chapter of their story, directed by Fox Rich, Fox and Rob return to Louisiana’s harsh carceral landscape to advocate for the release of their nephew and co-defendant. Their journey underscores a profound truth: the ultimate purpose of freedom is to liberate others.

Through these films, we witness a narrative shift that not only reveals the deep personal impacts of incarceration but also inspires a movement aimed at dismantling oppressive systems and fostering transformative change through love.

To host a screening of TIME or TIME II, please contact us using our online contact form.